The series centres around crime syndicates that temporarily release contracted prison inmates to carry out political assassinations for those in power, except that the crime syndicates are run by politicians. The series also puts a spotlight on the real-world predicament concerning fake news and how easily truth can be manufactured and disseminated to the public in today's age of information.
1.0 爱你的那天
10.0 鹤啸九天
1994 剧情,动作,武侠,古装,海外简介:紫鹤(陈天文 饰)和萧瑶(叶素梅 饰)约定退隐江湖,过离群索居的日子,然而,就在他们准备离开之时,紫鹤的师傅却将武当派掌门人的位子传给了紫鹤,悲愤的萧瑶自觉遭到了背叛,一怒之下,她创立了白莲教,与紫鹤势不两立,并与他定下了五年之约,五年后进行决战。 云飞(曹国辉 饰)的母亲被慕容家逼死,成年之后,他遇见了名为如烟(潘玲玲 饰)的女子,与此同时,云飞同母异父的兄弟天峰(陈泰鸣 饰)亦在追求着如烟。还珠爱上了善良正直的云飞,而还珠的父亲却是野心勃勃企图谋权逆反的镇南王。五年一晃眼就过去了,当紫鹤和萧瑶双双在决战中死去之时,云飞竟然成为了嫌疑最大的罪魁祸首。 -
5.0 火之审判
3.0 毒海狂涛
8.0 寂寞不断线
5.0 绝命横财