在一座海边小城中,一位开着观光旅游车的单亲爸爸老余;一对一心求子的夫妻简如月、方达;一对一心想飞黄腾达的修车行兄弟…… 这些生活在社会底层不同轨迹上的小人物,在一个台风天,阴差阳错的踏上了开往悬崖的夺命之旅。一群各怀?的?,在生死危机的悬崖边缘,死亡越来越近,时间一点点消逝,求生的机会越来越渺茫……他们该如何博弈仅存的生存机会?
10.0 超级冰气
2025 剧情,动作简介:Super Icyclone follows climatologist Jill Sanders, who receives weather data indicating the formation of an unimaginably powerful storm system. As tragic storm-related deaths start mounting in real time, she realizes her small town is about to be ground zero for a massively destructive ice-hurling tornado. -
6.0 我想谈谈
9.0 规则改变者
4.0 一出好戏2025
5.0 幽灵警官
5.0 假期2023